Where you could always find me

Word Count: 369
Sorry 'bout the delay >.<

Days had passed since the accident and yet the mysteries that surrounded him were still unsolved. No one had the answers to his questions and his memory still managed to escape him. All he knew was that he’d been foolishly walking through the snowstorm, drunk and singing at that! And as a result he’d fallen into the lake and lost his memories. It was weird, not knowing who you are; he’d found himself questioning his every action. Do I like rabbit? Would I walk this fast? Would I say that? Every action, every move he questioned, probing at his blank memory in hope of finding an answer. Yet, still he knew nothing.

Maybe it was because of the fear of acting in a way that wasn’t ‘him’, but he found himself staying away from others, interacting with them as little as possible. Even though he had been accepted into Cercatori D’Arte he hadn’t interacted with anyone aside from Skye. Then again, maybe it was fear that if his memories returned, others would treat him differently. The unknown was scary.

Lost in thought as he was, he almost fell as his foot slipped on a loose stone. Looking up and around him, he took in the landscape. According to his questionable calculations, he believed that he was somewhere along or near the halcyon mountain. He’d decided to ‘attempt’ to retrace his steps. But with no memory of what those steps were, he was really going by guess work, hoping something would knock his memory.

Everything around him seemed so peaceful, so quiet. Maybe a little to quiet? Lifting his head he took in the scents that surrounded him, looking for any possible threat. It was light, but definitely there; the scent of another canine. Pausing, he considered his next move. Should he follow it or should he continue on his way?

“Curiosity killed the cat, but has yet to kill the wolf” he muttered, then altered his course in the direction of the scent. Eventually, the female came into sight. Cautiously, whilst making a lot of sound to announce his presence. When he’d closed in on the female he stopped at a comfortable distance and called out to her.


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