Feeling Good

'Ah, I see' J'adore said with a brief nod. He gestured to his own scar and smiled, A Ferrari fell on me'. He remembered the day. It wasn't very painful, more of a shock. But it was still something he remembered well. He gestured to his palms, 'These are from the fire'. Small burns and scratches littered his paw pads, they were nothing compared to any of his other injuries. J'adore finished his demonstration by pointing to his chest, 'These were from a fight' he smiled, 'The fire has only injured me slightly, you just have to know how to work with her. Same as horses, or any wild animals for that fact'.

'I do not know Turkish, I would be glad to learn it' J'adore said as he sat on the log. He had always meant to learn more languages, among other things, but fire keeping took up much of him time and while he still had time to learn things, he wasn't learning them as fast as he used to, only due to his time allowance.

J'adore was unfazed by the belting heat of the fire, he had grown up with climates the same and he was not afraid of the fire. It was all natural to him. He reached for his water flask and took a quaff of the lightly flavoured water it held.


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