Baby Dropper Club

Blast from the past with this table. Figured it'd be appropriate! Big Grin

As Sky settled back into her seat, cup of wine cradled to her chest in both hands, she hummed in response, hinting that she'd have more to say in a moment. With a sip of wine, she smiled, head a bit fuzzy from the buzz she was slowly getting. (Three glasses later, plus some whiskey earlier on, before Valinta's arrival... amazingly good at holding her liquor, this one was.) "I suppose we do, don't we?" Doi.

"With all that's been going on, we haven't had any time to eachother lately. It's been quite the adventure getting this far, in such a short time already. We both have lovers, we've both got our lives laid out for us." Sky was, if only a bit on purpose, avoiding the topic of pups; it was a hard thing to return to, especially with Valinta who'd also miscarried her pregnancy recently. "We joined the pack around the same time, and already we've been through so much. I just hope with Spring finally arriving, we'll see some better days."

Taking in a heavy sigh, the hybrid sipped from her wine, and with a swallow, everything seemed to just come spilling out. "We've both got our hands full with our loves, don't we?" A wry smile crossed the brown-pelted girl's face as she glanced over to her company, tail flicking. "Why, your guy's from a whole 'nother pack, and mine's the alpha of all things! How'd we manage that?"

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