Not Always Rainbows and Butterflies

Should be fine <333

She had been staring at the back wall of their main cavern for days, for some reason. Naniko felt that there was something missing from their home...something needed to be added to it now that the pack was fully and completely established. Regular members came and went from the pack, but they now had two solid leaders who were sticking around for the long haul. She was glad to have Teddy there to help her with some of the work load.

The female had heard of a pack that had formed just before Anathema had come to life, but hadn't had the time to go up and pay them a visit yet. So many things had been happening in the pack lately between the snowstorm and death of Harlowe. Members needed attention on a day to day basis, the borders needed tending...if they grew much larger, she would have to consider promoting another leader once more.

Naniko was headed out of the territory when she heard the call. It was nearby, she noted, as she turned to make her way toward it. Two feet carried her to the female and her horse, the white wolfess appearing from the brush without much of a sound. "Hello, stranger" The female smelled of one solid scent, giving Naniko the impression that she came from a pack. Was it that new pack? "Did you come looking for someone? Or something perhaps?"

Word Count →

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