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I'll be waiting here to meet you

It was amazing to discover new things every day. With so much from both worlds, the present and the past, these lands would never become boring to the snow kissed female. Today Wolfville was on the map, and Colibri moved slowly in the outskirts of the dead village. Her motivation was put on the test as the scent of Mew was present. In reality, Colibri was afraid of confronting her youngest baby girl. Mew had all right to be angry, and what the five year old female hated was that she could not justify her own actions in any possible way. It was so sad, so extremely sad that she had ruined what could have been a perfect little family. Lisichka was history, Haku had been ruined from within, Mew was emotionally rejecting her, and when it came to Melisande, Colibri did not know what to think.

She decided to enter the fallen human village nevertheless and just take the chance. No Mew, but after a little while the white female stopped dead in her tracks, believing she had heard a howl, but the sound had broke off, and Colibri knew that she had easy for imagining things. Ears flickered and was dead silent. What was the scent reaching her nostrils? The wolfess' tail hid between her hind legs, and a shiver slowly took place in her body. A second howl now clearly reached her fluffy white ears, making ice and fire invade her heart and claw at the very core of her being. It was blood that had slowly made its entrance to her smelling sense.

From standing dead in her tracks, the female broke out in a desperate run, following the source of the howl, the blood, the source of her love. She had never heard such a desperation in her daughter's voice. It reminded her of Haku's scream when the coyote and ripped off a part of his tail and tried to kill him for no apparent reason. Her heart pounded like a sick rhythm. Around two corners, up a few steps, into a building. The trails of blood that met her made tears threatening overpower her, but she forced herself to be cold. The white female hurried into a second room and found her little baby on the floor, shaking in cramps. Cuts and injuries from something that looked like it could be from a fight rested upon Mew, but those were not the source of the pain.

Was it not too soon for birth? Colibri had no idea how long Mew had been carrying. Ah, the lack of communication, why had she been so foolish. So much blood, Colibri had never seen so much blood. Something definitely was wrong, so sicken wrong. Colibri made the fastest were shifting ever, and kneeled down beside her usually white, but now white and crimson daughter. She laid her hands gently on the younger females furry neck and shoulder, muzzle gently finding its way to Mew's ear. " I'm here, baby, relax. I'm here, there is nothing to be afraid of." She sounded so extremely calm and controlled that she almost scared herself. " When did the contractions begin, darling? " Her hand stroke Mew's fur in gentle soothing movements. Her beloved baby girl.

Dying to meet you


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