took the stars from our eyes

Oh hayyy, don't mind me showing up a bajillion years later. :3 +5

Curled beneath the frayed edges of the purple tapestry, Clover attempted to keep the warmth trapped with her. The storm had been relentless, and the young hippie child had sought refuge in the mansion along with a handful of Inferni’s other members. Upstairs there had been catastrophe, as the walls of the building had caved in on some of the rooms. Clover had been fortunate enough as her room had been spared. Still, she had had to suffer through the bitter cold along with everyone else. The past few days had been spent curled by the fire the clan had kept burning in one of the main rooms of D’Neville.

It was the call of her sister that stirred her awake, and at first Clover wasn’t sure if it had been a part of her dream or not. Straw was veiled at intervals as the young girl blinked away the evidence of sleep in her eyes, peeling back the blanket and stretching lithe limbs. As the cloudiness of sleep left her mind, the tawny girl decided that she had not been dreaming – her sisters really were out there in the cold on a search mission. It only took a moment for the girl to hop to her feet and decide she too would help with their mission. After all, it was their father they were looking for.

She draped the tapestry over her shoulders, wrapping it effectively around her torso as she made her way out into the deep snow. It took her quite some while to maneuver away from the mansion, for the snow often gave way under her slight weight. It was frustrating work, and Clover wondered if it might be easier done on four legs, but decided against it, since her lupus form was one that had seemingly grown unfamiliar in its disuse.

A jumble of thoughts swirled in the youth’s mid as she made her way towards her father’s camp. She had not seen him since her initial arrival here, and she wondered what he might say when he realized all of his daughters were home. Even though they were all a part of Inferni, it seemed as if Razekiel lead his own life up in his camp. Despite being a clan member, he had his own way of life. Clover respected that, but she still had some lingering doubts in the back of her mind. Dadddy wasn’t capable of murder, was he? Those terrible thoughts had been what had put strain on their relationship in the first place. She had loved seeing him when she had first arrived, but he had warned her about Inferni; he knew the dangers it held in its constant conflict with neighbors. Still, he stayed here. Perhaps that was because he too was capable of violence. She did not want to believe so. Clover didn’t want to think that anyone of her blood was capable of violence. They could not defy the principles of Mother Earth. They knew better.

Though she could not see them, as Clover trudged further towards the Fornholdt, she could hear the sounds of her sisters’ voices calling for their father. With renewed enthusiasm, the young Discens pushed forward so that she might meet up with the rest of the search party.

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