A familiar face, a familiar place
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Relativity or not, DaVinci had hurt Phoenix where he was most vulnerable, in more than one way. The fact that he didn’t know if his daughter was alive or not, just like his parents, was perhaps what most drove him crazy. If Phoenix was not anchored to the Place of Lightning and Thunder, he would have not hesitated to drop everything to find his daughter. And if DaVinci had actually killed her, well… there was not much Phoenix could do then. Hunting down DaVinci for revenge would have been a waste of his life. The misbegotten hybrid had better not show his face n these lands again, because if Phoenix ever found him he would make DaVinci regret ever touching his daughter, no matter if he was Iskata’s child or not.

Skoll seemed confident in his abilities, but Phoenix was not so sure. He didn’t know the older coyote’s exact age, but he knew it was respectable. And a hard life like his tended to increase the aging process considerably. Phoenix only hoped he ended up living that long, but with depravity such as the the Land of Wuffluvers clan seemed to support running amok, the brunneous male wasn’t so sure about his odds. Of course, when he’d been a pup he hadn’t really expected to live to be three, with a mate and family. So who knew? Maybe he was just a pessimist after all.

“I ain’t sure what I would do if I ended up in a confrontation with the Land of Wuffluvers,” Phoenix admitted. He knew aIphas were not allowed to divulge weakness or vulnerability, but Skoll had known him since he had been a fool youngster and so the façade of perfection didn’t work on him. “War is somethin’ I wanna avoid at all costs, ‘specially with my other children runnin’ around. It’s my job t’make a good life for ‘em, Skoll, not get ‘em killed.”

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