The greatest danger to our future is apathy.

The end!

The silky fur on her neck rose with the cold that crept up her spine. She could hate Gabriel for the words he spoke, but it would be underserved. But all she had wanted was to let the past lie and never turn to it again. It was impossible, of course, but Gabriel’s words burned more than any physical wound ever could. A cream hued hand rose to add pressure beneath her throat, though she doubted that could soothe the waves of sickness that wanted to rise from her stomach. But it was not her wicked half-brother’s vibrant blue she had seen in her dreams, but somehow Gabriel had to be correct.

The warrior woman turned away, unable to maintain eye contact when she was so burdened with the shame. She had not wanted any of this; had not wanted the ugly monster that had invaded her womb and grown as if it had the right to live. Itachi was a monster, and it tore her apart. Perhaps she too always had known. The child had been a ghost—a shadow, until now. Beyond the apathy there had lurked a monster all along. ”I never wanted him...” And she could feel the familiar burn as liquid entered her eyes. This would always be her fault. Gabriel would eventually leave her to her thoughts, but nothing could ever be right again, and the words he had spoken would never fade.

She was definitely cursed.

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Table by Siekone

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