A Hunt (Of Sorts)
:3 It's okay. <3 It's been lovely role-playing with you~

As the male stretched Moonglow shifted, testing her legs. They held up feeling no more weak then before and rather stronger than this morning. She could go on until she was physically unable but, in this case, she thought she'd be fine for a walk to Berwick. Her gaze shifted to what little remained of the badger while he was distracted. It felt a shame to waste a perfectly good meal, after all, one never did know when another meal was going to present itself. Though, she supposed, in this case she did know where her next meal would come. Still...

When Saul moved away, motioning her to follow, Moonglow shifted towards the carcass. She was getting the impression that in this pack eating dead meat was something done only if absolutely necessary. At least, the Theta seemed quite keen on finding her red meat to eat as apposed to letting her finish what she had. Moonglow wondered at it, fresh meat was better, yes, but meat was meat. Throwing a golden glance at Saul's retreating back, Moonglow snatched up her badger and, with a few crunches, ate the rest. Feeling better now that it would not go to waste, Moonglow turned to trot after Saul.

She hadn't met many Dahlia de Mai wolves during her stay in their territory but from what she'd seen they were a kind pack. Even wolves in top ranking positions had been open and friendly to her. This must be a land rich with prey to be so welcoming to a guest in their land. She was frankly more used to the lone hunters she'd seen in the wilds. She'd been chased from her meal and from their own many times. There had been something in their eyes, in the gleam of their fangs that had set her last memory of father reverberating. She never slept well after such meetings.

Here everything seemed gentler somehow. Her heart clenched at the thought of leaving, to going back into the wilds, but at the same time she shied from the notion of staying, of truly joining this pack. Moonglow pushed such heavy thoughts aside and focused only on following Saul. There would be time enough for thinking at some later hour. Too much time she imagined.

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