Building a new home
Shiloh thought about the girls offer about taking it down and using the wood for huts. Wood this time of year was hard to find and taking down this house would give her more then enough wood to make at least five houses. "I think we should take this down. Most of this wood is strong and study and everyone needs their own hut to live in. If you help me take this down I'll make sure your hut is second to go up. I need all the help I can get." said Shiloh looking at the woman.
*The faster I can tear this down the faster I can build huts and fix things around here* thought Shiloh as she begin to take apart the far wall. She really wanted to start building huts but the weather wasn't in her favor yet and the stables needed to be fixed soon. She was going to try her best to make things more inhabitable around here and she wanted to whittle totems for the people she had met already. She had a lot to do and not many helping her. She wanted things to be more cheery and the only way to do that was to make huts as soon as possible.

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