it falls on me

He reiterated his words, continuing on with names that she didn't want to know. He was wrong. Somehow, Ezekiel was wrong. He had to be wrong. She couldn't accept the truth he presented without compromising her own belief that their father was somehow a holy manifestation. Perfect. The world she'd built to offer safe haven from memories of childhood was destroyed with two simple words. Our siblings. A brother and a sister. A prince and a princess. Nausea passed over the distraught Lykoi female.

"Shut up, Ezekiel!"

The howl was followed by two quick movements, the first taking her down to grasp at one of the books and the second hurling the book at the golden male. It was mechanical, without second thought or an attempt to rationalize her actions. She just wanted to hit him with something, to stop the words that had escaped his mouth. Another book was flung across the cave. More pieces of her interior stone walls crumbled than she could put back up. "They aren't ANYTHING to us, Ezekiel! They shouldn' here. Oh God." An exasperated moan swept into the air, her russet fingers clutching at her still chest; breathing had become difficult, leaving her gasping for much needed oxygen. All that passed through her mind was Gabriel.

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