Crunchy Icycles


OOC: Oh yesSmile

The smell of wolves were everywhere. "Must be Claimed Territories..." Clare mumbled under her breath. Its not like she didn't like wolves, it was just that they were such a hassle. Just because a big cat comes walking by doesn't mean she's going to eat you all. "I sware, if one comes running ima kill it this time. Im not even hungry today." Clare always ends up arguing with herself. It never fails. But thats what happens when your alone most your life. Well sort of alone. Turning back to look behind her she remembered that she wasn't really alone. Two birds were following her. Hopping along the ground, thrying to keep up. "I wish ya'll would leve me alone. Go make a nice nest somewhere why don'y ya?!"It was useless thou, they just kept comeing. No matter how much she yelled at them, they always followed. Turning back towards where she was heading she caught the sound of something. With a rumble in her jaw she ready herself for an attack. Nothing came. Yet, the sound remained constint.

With a huph, she set out to find out what was making that racket. And sadly, to her susprise, was a little wolf. A child paying in.. Frozen puddles? Oh how kids found the slighest things that made them happy. Settling her hunches, she laied down to watch the little one. "Birds." Twisting her head to look at them. "Make your self usefull and go play or something young creatures do." And with that, they were off. Flapping their wings and landing on top of the wolf's head and on the ground right in front of the little one. "Hopefully she's eat them.." Clare purred.

walks talks stalks
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