i live with the memories

Hai thar! Table by Sie; Image from Flickr

He enjoyed watching the flames move; loved to watch the shadow dance against the dark stone walls within the earth’s womb. He belonged to the darkness, for it was where he could slip away into nothing and become invisible. The outside world remained alien in his beryl hued eyes, and so he remained under the mountain, though he had watched another canine die her. Safety was not a given thing anymore, but the threat had been vanquished by his father’s strong jaws. The child’s heart rate would always pick up its pace whenever he revisited the memories of blood, sickness and a man that died. But Pandemic was no longer upset.

Puppy paws draped with pure black brought the young D’Angelo towards the woman dressed in pale. What was she doing? Perhaps it would be unwise to approach, but curiosity was a powerful pull, and the dark child followed without question. Dull gray-green gaze revealed only that blind curiosity as he invaded Misery’s home and investigated what she was doing to the cave wall. He did not speak up to announce his interest, but did not hesitate to draw up close without considering the fact that the possibility that he would be told to leave was present.

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