New Places, New Faces

I'm assuming this is Damp woods, and I've never joined a thread with another wolf with me before so, to both of you Honey and Vyx, forgive me! It'll be a few posts before they meet! Also, Next time Vyx can you include the time, weather, and area when starting please? I'm a little lost so I'm going to set it up as I go along<3<3

It had been a while since Siku left the borders of Dahlia de Mai, the alabaster she-wolf too distracted with the pack life to venture out. Usually the woman was in and out of the borders daily, poking around every corner in search of anything unseen to her golden eyes. She would come home to patrol at night, have a look around or to see her best friend after days of no contact. It was a crazy schedule to be kept, caught between exploring and being part of a pack. If it wasn't for a certain Dahlian, the white ball of energy might even have disbanded and moved on from the world of 'Souls. Yet to her surprise, Siku made the biggest commitment she could and actually moved into a house. Not just a house, but one that Saul Stormbringer had built from the ground up just for the two of them. At first she was nervous to be living indoors, but Siku found it rather nice. Saul was upset over their lack of furniture, but reassurance left them both content to sleep together on the floor just as happily. There was always time to fix up the place. It had been days since Siku officially became room mates with her best friend, and the wolf was beginning to get used to it.

It was their fifth morning inside the house, and Siku was sleeping soundly. Saul had made a room just for the alabaster princess, and she expressed her excitement to have her own living space at the time. A whole box of space in the world, built for her! But as she curled up on the floor to sleep, she found that sleep did not come easy. There was no sound at all, and though it should have brought sleep quickly, it bothered Siku. Glancing up at the ceiling, there were no stars to count and shape. She was in lupus form, rolling about on the floor and curling into herself for comfort. After hours of rolling about, the young woman gave up and lifted herself up with the intention of locating her best friend. Trying to be quiet, the she-wolf crept up to Saul and curled up next to him without a sound. She would do so every night; insisting on sleeping alone but always ending up next to Saul. He was her calm, her safety. Beside his warm body she always found that the good dreams came easily.

This morning was no different than any other, Siku's golden eyes opening only to rest on Saul as he dozed peacefully next to her. She never asked if she could enter his room at night, but he was so kind. Siku doubted he would ever deny her company. Snuggling a little closer, Siku laid with her head in her paws as she thought. She thought about many things; food, their house, Saul. Exploring. Though Saul was very dear to her, the white woman could not fight the urge to leave right at that moment. The sun glinted in through his window, and the she-wolf could sense today was a good day. Good day to explore. Her mind nagged at her, urging her to leave. Just for a little while. Siku's mind battled itself for awhile, and she began to seriously consider going for another trip outside the borders. Golden eyes slid back to Saul, and then the white woman closed her eyes again to welcome slumber once more. Better to sleep than tempt herself into leaving the handsome male alone. She would wait for him to wake, and discover her next to him once again. Then she would ask him to come with her. Eastward sounded good to the woman as she began to drift, imagining their future travels. She had not gone East yet. There was the scent of other packs that drove her away, but perhaps Saul knew of land in the east that was still neutral.

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