[AW] He Swipes Seashells by the Seashore

Word Count → 301

OOC: Thanks for joining! ^^
Posted under the wrong account, but I guess it doesn't matter since this is LASKY....

Darkness hardly noticed the female's approach, glancing mindlessly into the sky for a while as rain began to fall. Once he heard her voice he noticed her well enough. Being the verging-on-idiot that he was, however, he was either oblivious to or choosing to ignore her anger and simply smiled. "Hello! Pleasure to meet you. I'm Darkness Castor-LaRue. Who are you?" He spoke with a childlike innocence, not the least bit worried or offended by the female's blunt aggressiveness.

He subconsciously began to 'scan' her, looking at the secui from head to paw. Nothing much stood out to him, although the only things that stood out to Darkness were shiny things. As soon as his gaze locked onto her foreleg, though, his smile was replaced with a frown. He was smart enough to understand what blood was. "Are you okay?" A stupid question coming from a semi-stupid wolf. There could be nothing more expected.

Still, he slipped off his satchel, grabbed the top and yanked it open, and began rummaging around with his snout, as if he had convinced himself that he was carrying something that was actually useful. When he realized that he had nothing, he adopted a confused expression and glanced inside. "I could have sworn that I had more rocks in here," he muttered, completely unaware of the scattered pebbles at his tail.

Turning his attention back to the female, he gave a small shrug. "I don't have anything in here that would help, but if you want you can stay here and I'll get you something useful." Did he have any idea how to treat a wound? No. Was he going to offer to help anyway? Yes. Of course. What else was he going to do, stand there and throw the rocks he didn't have at her?

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