[AW] He Swipes Seashells by the Seashore

Io Berlin

WC/Points- 000

OOC- NP Smile Derp I done it too XD

Io kept tense, but answered none the less, 'Io Berlin'. Her accented reply rang throughout the beach and kept a sense of menace about it. She made sublte glance towards her fore legs, slowly nodding, I'm fine'. She would not let a tiny scratch hamper her day. Though in her condition that little scrath could kill her. Even in Secui form her ribs stuck out harshly, she was in a sorry state.

'I'm fine' she repeated, constant gaze still focused on the dark beast. A gust of wind blew, causing a shiver to ripple through Io's body. She made a few more steps forward stumbling and ultimately collapsing onto the soft sand. She let out a sorry sigh as she made the effort to sit up. Her ears kept low and loose around her face and the white of her mane hung loosly around her neck. Io lifted her head, trying to find her son. Maybe he was around, maybe not. He was old enough to make his own way around and she didn't care particularly where he went. No, he wasn't there.

The coydog let out a deep whine as the sand dug itself deeper into her wound. Her tail kept wrapped around her hind legs, daggers still belted to her things from her Optime form.

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