OOC: sorry, im trying to get myself out of as many threads as i can >< i have too many already

Jace looked the two females over whilst remaining where she was, the dead rabbit slowly bleeding out by her paws. They were like two opposites, one dark and one light, the irony was not lost on Jace who grinned internally. The white female put her head on her paws and told Jace not to stop just for them. Jace shook her body to set her fur straight and get rid of the snow. As much as she would like to stay with her new acquaintances he knew that both Temo and Falgar would be looking for her as she had promised to meet them soon,

"My apologies, I cannot stay and eat with you, I have to return to my pack, have duties to attend to but it was nice meeting you. And if you're ever looking for a pack then Phoenix Valley is just up over that hill." She nodded her head in the direction that the Valley laid. She calculated that it would take her roughly 15 to 20 minutes to get back to the Ranch where she had said to meet up. She looked up at the slowly rising sun and guessed it to be roughly midway through the morning, she turned back to the two fae,

"I hope to see you around sometime, goodbye." With that she bent down and gripped the rabbit within her jaws and picked it up before taking off in the direction that she had pointed the Valley to the two women.

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