{M}Speak softly, and claw your way out.

Yay! ^_^ Thank you! Word count 452 - 3 points

Had Ykesha been a deaf woman, she still would have lifted her face from her complacent pastime at the slight disturbance which wafted over Inferni. Were she blind, her mind still would have come alive in alert at the presence of an outsider. If Ykesha could not hear she still would have risen from her sitting position, hands balled at her sides into small white fists. The coyote needed no sense but that which befell her mouth to distinguish the animal which didn’t belong amongst her kin; Ykesha tasted the breeding of a wolf and in response her mind rolled like a lion in its sleep. First there was discomfort - what had woken her? - then there was aggression - unforgivable. The brindled fae paused at the base of the tree where she had been sitting, clutching the broken gun which had become so precious of late to her breast. The air tasted different. Like iron. Dangerous and foreign. Ykesha felt as though the presence of this invasive beast was a dagger slipped into the ribs of Inferni, yet Inferni bore no arms to remove a blade once placed there. With quiet resolve the woman stood and began to walk towards the boarders. Her thoughts were level, but unpleasant. She couldn’t shake the image of a knife driven deep into her lands, spoiled viscous and disease oozing from the wound it had created. No outsider would cause her lands to fester with an untreated injury. None would see Inferni’s blood. The luperci’s jaw tightened as she advanced among the skulls, her pupiless eyes focused unblinkingly on the distant golden pelt of a wolf.

Her hackles rose.

The woman’s brindled body seemed to bristle and sprout like mushroom which grow through the decay of leaves on a forest floor. It was unattractive; this thick and unnerved look did not suit the mistress. She cared not, however. This wolf - no - this fiend’s feet were touching Gabriel’s soil. His breath was rotting Kaena’s wilderness. His very presence was an insult to Halo and Hybrid, and Ykesha would not stand for it. As her jaw further tightened and her eyes became slits amongst a face highly wrinkled in fury, the fae let loose her voice from blistering lungs. The sound carried on wings of anger toward the distant wolf.

“Beast!” She haulted, her breath falling heavy with rage. “Monster, clear yourself from these lands or I shall remove you!” Her words, though backed by bravery, were hollow. The girl was small. She showed no prowess in combat. But her eyes held level, gazing at the man with unforgivable disapproval.


Her fingers tightened around the useless pistol in her palm.

You will pay.

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