Dead Will Rise

OOC here: Table & Coding © James

The male whined as jaws closed around his muzzle. He put up a feeble struggle but it was for naught. The jerking only lasted a moment or two before he gave up instead of going into death throes or something of the like. Instead he let loose another whine and flattened his ears back against his skull to make him look even more pitiful. With his own mouth out of commission he was reduced to pleading with the other with his eyes alone.

He really should have expected retaliation for his action that came with a lack of an explanation. But how did you tell someone that you thought they were a bird and therefore food? What was the proper way to say such a thing? He had no idea and so he hadn't spoke up because of it. Of course now he was suffering for it.

The boy was reduced to whimpering quite quickly. He tucked his tail between his legs, and had he been able to he would have flopped onto his back to fully expose his belly. He lifted a paw to try to touch the other's face. He wasn't trying to claw him or anything but just gently laying his paw there, trying to beg in another fashion. Maybe if he placed his paw on the other's snout then he would release his hold? It wasn't a well formed thought or plan but he didn't know how else to indicate what he was hoping to happen with all of his whimpering and whining.


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