[AW] He Swipes Seashells by the Seashore

Word Count → 413
OOC: Oh derp. I was forgetting that Darkness was in Lupus when I wrote that last post. I'll just be editing that a bit, nothing major. Plus, I forgot that previewing my post would change the account back to Slade's. From now on I'm just logging into Darkness to reply.... Tongue

As soon as the female - who introduced herself as Io Berlin - said she was fine, Darkness saw no reason to stick around. She was starving and bleeding, but if she said she didn't need help he was just going to shrug and walk away. He wasn't the type to argue against free will, so he gave a small nod and started to turn around, completely forgetting about his satchel still lying on the ground.

Darkness instantly began to wonder which part of the beach he would go to next. Or maybe he would try to run into the forest and seek shelter from the rain; it was just a light drizzle now, but it would soon start to downpour if the sky got dark enough. Oh wait, in order to do anything he would probably need his satchel back. When he turned around, he was shocked to see Io lying in the sand, as if she had dragged herself a few steps and ultimately collapsed right there. Was she... lying to him? Why couldn't she let go of her pride and just admit that she was not fine and really needed help?

"You know," he offered, trying to slip on his satchel and failing, "I'm not gonna make fun of you or anything. I can make myself useful. Just watch." Suddenly a smile crossed his face, and his eyes widened. "That's it! You need proof that I can do stuff! Just wait here! I'll go run into the woods and find you... something. All right?" Without waiting for an answer he whipped around and charged down the beach.

He couldn't help but notice a small pile of rocks that he ran past. "I wonder where those came from...?" he muttered before continuing on his mad dash for whatever he could find. He still wasn't sure how he would prove to Io that he could do something useful, but he figured he would just wing it and see what he could find for now.

"Maybe some food will make her feel better," Darkness thought aloud. Then he realized that the idea was perfect. He was already in his lupus form, which was great for hunting. All he had to do was run out and catch some prey, and bring it back to Io before it really began to rain. Plus, he thought he remembered passing a small, old house before; maybe he could take her to it if she was strong enough.

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