[AW] He Swipes Seashells by the Seashore


WC/Points- 000

OOC- Io is back Big Grin

The black beast skipped off after saying words which seemed a muddle of unintelligible sounds. Mhhh' Io hummed as tried her hardest to focus her vision. Raising further to her four thin legs, she took shaky, cautious steps towards where the male had dissapeared to.

Ugh, this idiot will be the death of me Io thought as she hobbled after 'Darkness'. Her vision was fading, her hear dulled, but she was always in her thoughts. She soon found her mark, after a few minutes of uncertain trailing. She unhappily collapsed onto the ground again, her form bearing no brunt of the fall. She shivered again, collie ears falling erent against the cold ground. 'Okay, so what are you going to do?' she asked, lifting her head a few inches up, narrowing her eyes to find the male. This should have been an easy job, but in her state it seemed that evenraising her head took so much energy that she could only do so consistantly for a few seconds.

Her fugacious energy soon limited her to only short moans of pain. She was in a sorry state now and had no choice but to either foolishly wait for Sarajevo to appear , or give in to the wolf's pointless needto aid her. The coyote hybrid closed her eyes, concentrating on nothing but remembering that if she didn't eat what the male went off to find, she would perish. And while she prized her beauty above everything, to the point that it was on par with her son, she prized her life that small inch more.

'Wolf?!' she called out, caring little about his name and only wishing his to hurry the hell up.

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