Foerign Territory

OOC sorry my table makes it seem as if i hardly wrote anything...

Word Count → 000

Saphrina watched Zeb plop down and she giggled jumping up onto his side and twirling around once or twice before laying down "My Zeb" she said claiming him as hers. She giggled happily and then rememberd that she had a bump on her head. It throbbed now that she rememberd it "I hit my head chaseing leaves" she confessed.

"My mommy dont know im so far away from home" she said sadly. She sighed slightly and curled up on Zeb's warm side and smiled feeling like she was being drowned in fur. Her eye went wide and she giggled pretending to swim around in his fur. Her large paws threw her off balance and she tumbled to the floor hitting her head again. "Owie.." she said rubbing her paws on her head sadly. "That hurt" she said rubbing the now bigger bump on her head.

She let out a sad sigh and curled up next to Zeb shivering slightly "I'm cold" she said abesnt mindedly thinking Ralla would come and warm her up but being far away from home she was only going to get warm if Zeb tried. Saphrina let out a sneez and shook her fur letting it puff out just like his. Makeing them look almost like twins. She giggled happily and rubbed her fur against his makeing them stick together.

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