Fixing, fixing, fixing

OOC here: Table & Coding © Sie

Word Count → 332

He had no experience int he construction aspect but he had never really needed it. They lived in caves and so their structures were naturally built. There he hadn't needed to know how to make houses and such because they had remained inside caves. Still, with his training from what he did know he had learned to pick up on things fairly quickly. After all, the quicker he had gotten something right then the sooner he could take a break. And well, it wasn't like he wasn't used to having some sharp instrument in his hand. He was just used to it being on a smaller scale. After all he had carved wood before. Just that he had never tried to build something before.

This was all an entirely new and unknown area for him so he was simply listening to what it was that Shaw had to say about what to do. He was just waiting for instruction to know just what to do. He stopped when he was indicated to do so and carefully placed the saw down. He focused his attention entirely on the other male. He really had no input since he had never dealt with something like this before. So it really threw him off when he was asked what he thought. All he could do was shrug. He couldn't say that he was sure that he knew just what the other was talking about.

"Did you want me to go inside and up to the second floor to push it up while you stay up here and try to move it?" At least that is what he was assuming that the other was talking about. He wasn't certain though. He just knew that he was used to being inside and working and moving around in there. And well, if it was just pushing then he figured that he could do that. Especially since he had no clue what Shaw meant to do to move it anyways.

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