the faith you prove

Word Count → 3+

It seemed strange to Alaine, that she was able to accept the young man so easily. He was no blood, no kin, of hers - And constantly she saw small fractures within him, little mirrors of Gabriel and Inferni. Yet even so, the Apothecary found a sense of understanding deep within her mind. Maybe it was the presence of Dea; it had been so long since she had allowed her heart to believe in such things. But Ezekiel de le Poer was important in ways that she had yet to comprehend, and recognized only in the queer feeling within her with ever glance. The world would require him, someday - Her children would require him.

His words were granted that same soft smile, and she nodded slightly, a decision made. "Then I will show you. I will show you everything." It was a promise that lingered on accented tongue, not one given lightly or in haste, but with an urgency she felt fuelled once more. Alaine Winters would not be around forever to heal the masses, and her children were unfit for the job - Perhaps, at long last, she had found someone capable of the emotional and mental strain that it required.

He muttered something, but the poetic words were pulled from her ears by a gentle and uncaring wind. Emerald eyes remained on the sweeping lands of home, before she clucked sharply to Nana and pointed the mare's nose toward the Chien Hotel. At such a time, it would be just about empty - The inhabitants always seemed vacant, these days. Nana and her son could be tethered in yard with the morning sunlight to warm their hides.

With a persistent squeeze of her calves and thighs, the healer finally goaded the broodmare to a canter. Thunder rolled from her heavy hooves, and the horse tossed her head in dislike of being sent at such a pace. But Alaine's skills at riding were gradually increasing, and she perched easily on the leather saddle, the wind tossing her auburn curls in disarray. She spared a quick glance over her shoulder, to see if Ezekiel could persuade his mount to meet such a pace and remain seated himself.

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