Dead weight

There was definitely something between these two women that Zombie didn't care enough to pry for. Of course, she was a tad interested as the subtle hostilities unfolded right before her innocent red eyes, but there was nothing she felt the need to ask or stick her nose into. This was certainly not any of her business, and the one called Halo would sooner probably rip her head off than tell her anyway. The black 'yote thought that she'd like to live another year or so, if no one else minded. She didn't care much for the tawny one's disapproval—it meant little to nothing to the Feral woman and she wasn't going to change her ways simply because one being did not like her.

Actually, plenty of beings didn't like Zombie, but she'd simply bat her bloody eyes, much like she was doing now, and internally not give a shit for who didn't approve. "More or less. I mean, I find this less painful than putting such a dull knife to my own skin, and I presently have no desire to carve my name unto anyone else's body," she said idly, gazing up from her seat into the finitely disgusted face of Halo. Not everyone needed to like her. Besides, it would seem that she had found a slight companion in Talitha, who took the otherwise useless butterknife and began carving some sort of creature beneath Zombie's carefully crafted signature.

"Battle savvy, hm?" she offered pensively, casting a meaningless, sidelong glance at Halo. "Blood.. ink, I like both," she shrugged, grinning to herself and licking her lips in a lazy manner. She looked up and studied what Talitha was drawing, but found that whatever it was, was unfamiliar to her. The enigma could read well enough, but she didn't do it often, and hadn't picked up a book in at least a year or so. Zombie flipped her body, balancing herself on her knees so that she would be eye level with the carving. She drew her fingers over the finished portion before turning her slender muzzle to the one who accepted her. "What's this?"

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