hold your breath

She had been so lost when she'd first arrived back in the lands to find the ruins the fire had left behind. Following the scent of the other wolves she soon had found herself in new lands surrounded by new packs forming. Faces she knew, packs she didn't, everyone scattered to the winds. She shook her head at the amazement that she'd found two of her precious children. "I'm glad to hear that at least. I don't mind you growing up, but I think I'd miss my boy.." She stared at him in wonder at how fast he'd grown over the months she'd been gone. She didn't know what exactly to do about the news she'd have to give him, but maybe he already knew. She hoped that much.

"I as well Kansas..." she said, her voice trailing off for a moment before she swallowed and continued. "Ember made it too, and Naniko.." She smiled at the thought of so many of them being here in these new lands. There was so much that she'd found out, and now she was a grandmother of sorts too it seemed, Pilot's children being raised in Twilight Vale. There was so much going on, yet none of it mattered except the fact that Kansas was alive and before her right now..

She didn't mention Firefly, she knew Kansas would ask when he was ready, but she was worried about the last of the litter. She'd heard nothing of Icarus from anyone and she was beginning to dread finding out news. Smiling at Kansas, who looked so much like her own little mirror image, Firefly too, though they were not identical replicas of their mother, she shook her head and took in the sight.

"Have.. you seen your brother?." She asked softly as she watched him. She wanted so much to wrap her arms around him and hold him tight, but she was still unsure. While Ember had wanted that security, to see, to feel, to know she was there her son seemed distant still. Iskata wasn't going to push him, she didn't want to lose him so soon after finding him again.

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