Crunchy Icycles

WC: 349 OOC: sorry about the late reply I been bleh bleh bleh

Eclipse was having so much fun that she didn’t notice the large cat coming up. the crunching noise left any sound void from the little puppies ears, but when the two birds came she stopped. How come birds were flying on her head now? They were normally scared of her. Well she’d teach them to be scared again! She was a hunter after all.

“You be my dinner birdy!”

She said as she jumped at the one on the ground in front of her. She was in a way serious, but she was in no way a specialized hunter, so it looked like all play. in a way it was, but if she managed to get the creature she’d save it for later, because now she was quite filled up. The bird was, of course, quite hard to catch. The other was impossible as it was on her head, and unlike her daddy or saul or mommy she couldn’t just reach up and grab it. She started barking at it as the other was still a few feet a way from her. Her whole mind was now on these peculiar little birds rather than breaking the ice in the puddles. She did not notice the cougar until amost too late when she was so near it she could almost touch it. it seemed the birds were leading her to the large cat, though this did not cross the puppies mind. When she saw the large shadow of the big beast she jumped back for a second, but her ears and tail were up high. She’d never seen a cougar so she didn’t know what it really was other than...

“You is a funny looking wolf!”

she commented stepping back a little more. She had just learned that some animals liked their distance and this rounded eared squashed faced newcomer looked like she needed a lot of space. Eclipse was not scared of her though, no, after all she had made friends with a huge massive wolf that shook the ground.

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