[AW] He Swipes Seashells by the Seashore
Sarajevo still advanced, fury coating his blue eyes. 'Sarajevo!' Io barked, not moving her head or opening her eyes. Sarajevo stopped dead, terrified by his mother even though she couldn't do anything to him. The hybrid's head dropped and he let out a soft whine. He moved over more to the crimson woman, Io managed to stand up, leaning heavily against the boy.

Io gave the hybrid boy a soft look and he stared awkwardly at Darkness, 'Mama says she will accept your invitation of shelter'. He moved about awkwardly, realising his stupidity and feeling like a child. 'Berries will not work, she needs meat. I will find some and while I do feed her whatever you can find' he paused and let Io slipped back down to the floor, he turned away but let his gaze find the beast again, 'If she doesn't eat it, force it down her throat'. It was a harsh rule, but Sarajevo had learnt that in order to keep her alive he must fight her. He smiled as he wandered away, berrter Darkness that him. His eyes moved down to his paws, littered in bite marks.

Io supposed kismet had allowed Darkness to find her. She would be dead were it not for the wolf beast. Remembering that Darkness was a wolf made her frown. The coy dog held a fierce heriarchy problem when it came to canines. Coyotes were the kings and wolves the fools. Dogs, jackals, wild dog fell somewhere in the middle. Io sighed as she waited for the idiot to say something.

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