[J] bang, bang, that awful sound

ramblerambleramble, didn't repeat the dialog cause thought itd be more confusing than anything. Replies from here on out should be shorter o.o and I was gonna reply with Keese too, but now I dont see any point.

So much could change in a year. Anann no longer thought of what had been. What might have been, had she never left. What she had now was so much more that there was no sense in looking behind her anymore. Forgotten were the days when she had worried if she had made the right decision and longed for the company of those that had been left behind. Forgotten the loneliness and slight sense of rejection that had burdened her heart when Keese had refused, rather adamantly, to follow her to a new life.

So it was quite the shock when she caught sight of a figure from her past on horizon, within the packlands no less. At first all she could do was stare, mouth agape. Anann had not wanted to believe her eyes. Not wanting to believe that she had tracked down after so long. Now that she had fully settled into her new life. For a long moment it felt as if the heart in her chest was frozen and still. The air in her lung caught in her chest; forgetting how it might leave and making her chest feel tight under the pressure as she watched the familiar figure close the distance between them. Why? Why now? Now that she had moved on. If she was not worth abandoning everything for then what possibly could have changed?

Her ears fell back as he came closer. What felt to be too close as his hand sought hers and pulled her reluctantly into his arms. Her mind flooded with thoughts and alarm bells ringing in her ears. Had he come alone? She saw no one else. Where was Toliy? Thankful for the moment that he was not here. Afraid of what might unfold if he were to stumble onto such a scene.

It took few words to shed light on what brought Keese so far from home. Nothing but his greed. Nothing had changed; he had not changed. For it was not her that he wanted. Not really. No, all he wanted was the power and influence he would gain from their coupling. In his absence she had learned what true love was and what it was to be loved. It was something they had never truly shared. He loved only himself and what she could help him become. It was a realization she had been slow to come to over the years and only now could she see it so clearly.

Anann did well to hide the torment she felt. Unsure of what his presence meant for the life she had built here. Her stony facade giving her the cold and calculating look of the Anann that once been. But unlike the Anann that had carried the Harleigh name the Kelevra woman was not two steps ahead. Though it was when that accented voice she knew so well cut through the air that her strength to endure fell apart. No! Heart leapt in her chest as if it wished to leave the bony cage. Shock and concern were the first emotions to cross over the dark brown of her eyes as they darted from angry face of her lover to the hand the hovered close to his belt and back again, giving him a slight, subtle shake of her head. But it was shame she felt most distinctly. It burned at her cheeks and twisted her innards. To be caught as she was in the arms of another man. Even if it was not her doing she still felt ashamed and she could not even bring herself to meet Anatoliy's eyes, even if it was not her at which he glared.

She felt caught in the middle as Keese's hold on her strengthened and she could feel him bristle against her; a snarl rising in his chest. "You!" He growled, "mind your own business. The woman can take care of herself." Turning his attention back to the woman he held captive in his arms. "Who is he, Anann? Who is this mongrel?" His words were intense, demanding and he nearly shook her as if it would get him answers faster. "A friend. You're being ridiculous, Keese. The first words left her tongue reluctantly and she could not bring herself to look at Toliy to see the damage they might have done. She tried again to pull away, her hand still at his chest. He gripped her so tightly she was starting to feel his claws dig into her arm. "Let go, you're hurting me." The words were a warning and not a pleading cry as they might have left any other woman's lips. "Don't forget that you are trespassing, mind your manners." She scolded him, reminding him of his place here and at last shoving him away.

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