Just The Way You Are!

Out of Character

Coding by Sie.

Shnargledarg. I'm actually having her moved to a small house close to Sky's so she can live with Gunnar and not impose on Sky and Shawchert.

In Character

Valinta had gotten unbearably hot in the small house she was moving her pitiful amount of things to. So she had made a small burrow in the snow that was left, and relaxed in it. Her dense fur had kept her from getting too cold, and she had wrapped her arms around Gunnar, keeping him safe and warm. His scraggly fur wasn't very good at keeping out the cold yet; it was too thin. He had also found a large puddle and splashed in it, and was soaked. His shivering had subsided briefly, but then picked back up again. Valinta herself was getting chilly, so she dug herself out of her burrow and carried Gunnar slowly back into their home.

A small fire was burning cheerfully in the main area, and there were two small rooms going off of them, as well as a kitchen. Some people in Cercatori would stop by every now and then with some gifts of food for the injured woman. It was difficult enough to take care of a child, but with added injury? Apparently, they thought it too much for her to do herself. Valinta always accepted the gifts with a grateful smile, and would ask if the giver would like to come in and share it with herself and Gunnar. They usually declined. So as Gunnar sat on a large pillow by the fire, his mother busied herself in the kitched with some deer meat.

The meat was slightly tough, not unpleasently so, and the small fire Valinta had started heated up an old pan she'd found. The meat was placed in the pan, the residual blood and juices started to sizzle and pop as they heated with the meat. Easing herself into an old armchair, the black-furred woman listened as she started into the fire.

She heard knocking, but not at her door. Then her name was shouted, and then Gunnar's. But Gunnar didn't race out, as he usually did. He had fallen asleep, taken to dreamland by the soft pillow and warm fire. Removing the pan from the heat, as it was done cooking, Valinta then limped to her door. A soft click, the door was opened, and her head peered outside.

It was J'adore, at Sky's house. He looked what he would assume as presentable, with a bandana keeping his hair out of his face. In doing so, though, it made it stick up everywhere. The result was he looked like he had stuck his finger in one of those old human light sockets. Sometimes, if you touched them, they shocked you and your hair looked like that. Valinta grimaced. She knew that from experience.

"J'adore." Valinta called softly. "Wrong house." She smiled at him and stepped outside, gesturing towards her door. "Come in and eat with Gunnar and I." she offered, knowing that he would accept.

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