I keep it caged but I can't control it

At first Jace thought she was dreaming when she heard the voice floating on the breeze, thought she was having night terrors and that soon she would wake up. But no, it was him. He was back again and despite everything her fear of him flared up into life. She grit her teeth and stood up from where she had been resting against a tree, her stomach now led the way wherever she went. He was calling for her with that damned hated nickname of his, she growled quietly to herself and looked around. The area she was in was almost completely deserted and didn't smell like anyone had come by in quite a while, trust herself to find the one place she was unsafe in to settle down and rest.

She had several choices now that she could choose. She could run, knowing that most likely hear and follow and catch her for now she was even slower than when he had chased her to rape her and if by the very small chance she escaped he could take his anger out on her pack mates, whoever he found. She could present herself to him like some pet of his and endure whatever it was he would throw at her and risk the children's lives inside of her. She could hear her heart beating in her ears it was so loud and fast, a vague feeling of nausea was climbing up the back of her throat, she closed her eyes and sighed, leaning against the tree that had been her resting place as her head swam.

She forced back the nausea and the slow pulsating that was beginning to make her brain hurt, of course he would come back for her, why did she think she could have escaped? With another long suffering sigh she stepped out from behind her hiding place and out into the open, she would do no more though as she leaned onto the tree and crossed her arms over her breasts and one ankle over the other. If he was too dumb to locate her when she wasn't hiding then that was not her problem.

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