Various Types - Mysterious Origin


Lorelei sipped her coffee as she trudged through more snow. God. What the hell was it with the damn snow? It wasn't as though anyone actually liked the stupid stuff, it was disgustingly cold and clingy. Like some people the female used to know.

That thought quickly drew out a dark chuckle from the woman's throat. She wasn't the happiest woman around, but she was always willing to stop focusing on her own issues to laugh at someone else's. Preferably right in their face, after they thought she'd be a good person to confide in. The princess was a perfect actress at times; playing the sweet harmless girl. Then she showed her true colors.

And what beautiful colors they were, Lore preened. Her fur was simply gorgeous, perfectly immaculate as per usual. The sweater of her mother's draped elegantly around her form, accentuating rather than hiding her curves. Even as a chill breeze swept through the forest, she couldn't help but feel... hot. In both the aesthetic way, and the physical way.

Of course the woman was not deranged enough to actually take off her sweater. But she couldn't help but think. Surely, only someone as beautiful as she was, as royal as she was, could be her lover? Yet she'd taken people who were, quite frankly, not up to her standards. At all. It was rather apalling for the princess, to not take another princess.

Actually, it was a little bit more disturbing than apalling. She was having sex with... Well, with peasants. Disgusting, diseased, idiotic peasants. Never mind the fact that their levels of health, cleanliness, and intelligence were at the same as hers, they were stupid. They were worthless.

Lore preened again. Obviously, she really was the only woman in the world worthy of any other woman's attentions. There really wasn't anyone quite as good-looking or intelligent as she was. Another sip of coffee was consumed, and the russet-furred woman's eyes closed in sheer delight at the scent and taste of the bitter brew.

But there was a different smell. Coyote and... dog? The scents were so intermingled it was a new, alien scent. Obviously a coydog. Lorelei hadn't met many, too focused on getting herself and Giza out of the country.

Giza. The obviously ungrateful bitch had wandered off and left her big sister high and dry. She would pay for that, when they met up again. If they did. Assuming Giza didn't die, which she probably did. The poor thing was assuredly helpless without the company of her protector. Well, that would make her regret. Freezing to death. If thinking about Giza didn't put Lorelei into a bad mood, nothing would.

And there it was. The coydog. A male, it seemed. The coywolf sniffed hautily and disgustedly. Males. She took a sip of coffee and noted that his pink and blue eyes stared at the cup she held. Lore also took in the immactulate white fur. An albino, he was. With some bling. Lorelei's carefull once-over didn't miss the collar. Leather and something that was probably silver. He belonged to someone. And he had a rabbit. White fur. A snowshoe hare, probably. Or if she played her cards right, dinner.

"Hello puppy...." she said overly sweetly. "How are you?" Lore's smile was kind, or it was a mask of kindness over a smile that was actually disturbed and filled with rage. If the little puppy wanted her coffee, he'd have to pay for it.

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