there i was with my back to the wall
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Wow...I totally didn't have this in my post log -headdesk- >_< Sorry for the wait!! -just edited it in- x_X

She managed to get some degree of composure back after a few minutes, though she didn't release her hold on him. It felt like if she did, he might dissapear--or she might find out that he wasn't real at all. She was still in a state of shock, unsure of whether she was dreaming or not. She'd just thought about this so much that she was certain that now that it was happening, it was a lie. Some trick of her mind. She wasn't sure, but she'd heard things about insanity on her father's side. Maybe it was true.

Naniko's breathing evened out eventually. She was able to speak more clearly and she did so, leaning back just a little so she could look at him. "I just...right now, you were the last one I was expecting to run into" Maybe that would make her sound ungrateful--which she definitely wasn't. "It's a good thing. A really, really, really good thing. I looked around for you in the fire, but I couldn't find you. I met up with Conri and then left to search some more. I did find Dierdre...but she didn't make it. Her children, our step-siblings...Sirius and Apollo. They're living with her mother, in my pack"


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