And the minutes take longer to break.

OOC here!

'I am a native of the country, it was one of the languages I was raised with' J'adore said, kneading the ground softly. He had been raised with four main languages, learning the varients of them in his spare time. Catalan was the first one he learnt, then Portugese. But it had been a long time since Portugese had been used, and due to that fact he had forgot the majority of it.

So the boy, 'Range' was from Dahlia. J'adore nodded softly, it did not matter what pack he came from really. 'So, what are you doing round here?' J'adore asked, attempting to strike up conversation. He himself was only walking, boredom had draw him from his home. He was happy enough wandering around Nova Scotia, even if it sent him nowhere in particular. He always found new people to converse with.

Looking back towards Ptitsa he saw she was in fact not there. J'adore frowned, slightly irritated that his guide had a tendancy to disappear all the time. She always returned however, usually with a loving insult on hand.

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