Soul sickness
WC 300+

It had been months since the last time the pup had disobeyed his mother's fervent training and left the boundaries of Anathema. After the day he had been lost, ended up in Dahlia de Mai and finally found by his mother, Naniko, he had never wanted to leave the pack lands again. The boy had spent months sulking about in the cavernous realm that his pack inhabited, lurking about in the shadows after his horrible brush with the fire creature that seared his face and paw. But now the boy was older, and his constant mucking about in the shadows grew daunting. He was on the verge of becoming a true Luperci, had grown larger in body but still did not yet have the ability to change; though that would come soon. With his ebbing maturity came a lust to explore the area around his pack's home.

So the black and silver pup, bored of the caves, slipped out of the cavern and onto the open lands. At first being so exposed was unnerving; the boy was not used to not having walls and a roof around him, but soon the feeling of freedom settled into his bones and he began sprinting over the open terrain. His large paws drummed on the ground, kicking up bits of muddy slush as he left the open land and entered the woods past the borders of his packlands.

It was not long until the sudden outburst of energy tired his paws, though, and he felt the familiar grumble in his stomach. The pup's paws slowed to a rapid trot and his black nose twitched as it worked to find a source of food. It wasn't long until his nose scented the coppery smell of blood, and his paws quickly followed it. Soon he slipped through the shrub and saw a hare with it's leg in a snare, blood oozing from the hind paw in its effort to free itself. The thing had been there for a while and was dying, but it's heart still beat and it was warm. The scar-faced pup approached the hare with caution, his senses alert. Naniko's training was not lost on him – this looked like any hunter's trap, but it very well could have been a lure for his own kind.

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