Soul sickness
The voice startled him and the pup jumped, the ridge of fur down his back rising with the jolt that darted through him. He whipped around to face the voice and through the brush now saw the peppered form of the hunter who had set the trap. His ears went back and a half growl bubbled in his throat but died quickly. The boy was on edge but purely defensive because he had been startled. His crimson eyes overlooked the man, and if there was an attack his only hope would be to sprint off if he could outrun him. Yet the man had not attacked yet, and he might not. If he hadn't gotten the pup when he was unsuspecting, Scorpius assumed, then he would not care to now.

Still, the man asked a stupid question. If it was rhetorical, Scorpius did not detect it. “What does it look like I'm doing?” He retorted, though there was less sarcasm than one would expect in this situation. “I just mistook this for an easy meal,” he jerked his head over his shoulder to the hare. “Clearly I was wrong. I'll be on my way.” He moved as though to turn and pad off. One of the boy's strengths was to be able to gauge a situation properly and know when he was bested. No foolish, childish ego would be his undoing. He was outside of his pack's lands and this man was older, more experienced, and had the advantage of his Optime form.

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