Take me away to my past

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The response from Jazper surprised him to where Pilot took a step backwards. He face contorted confused, angry, and hurt by the assumptions and accusations being made. Of course he loved them! They were his family, after all. The family he had never had. He loved them with his whole heart. Things had grown complicated very quickly with Dierdre, and Pilot was still sorting things out himself.

"How can you say that? Of course I loved Dierdre! And still do! When she left Storm, I was crushed. I had no idea where to go and look for her. If I would have known she was in Jaded Shadows the whole time-," he had to stop himself, for he was speaking way too fast and with a tone that wasn’t entirely friendly. Breathe, he had to remind himself. Just breathe and calm down. "I happened to come across Twilight Vale and Naniko told me about the kids. They were premature – the stress of the fire must have caused Dierdre to go into labor. If I would have known where she was during the fire, of course I would have came to her aid. And if I would have known Apollo and Sirius were here, I would have visited earlier. But I didn’t know. I was left in the dark."

He knew that so much had changed in so little time and he couldn’t expect Jazper to be entirely receiving of it. Pilot still wasn’t sure how he felt about all of this. Why hadn’t Dierdre told him she was in Jaded Shadows? He knew the answer deep inside, but he didn’t want to face it. He didn’t want to face the fact that she had cheated on him behind his back. He didn’t want to face that disloyalty.

"You don’t have to see me as a father. I would understand. But in my eyes I will always see you as a son, since Dierdre had it in her heart to make you hers. Shadowed Sun’s borders are always open if you ever decide you want a third." He turned to go, hoping that maybe Jazper would ask him to stay. He didn’t want to end this here – not like this. But he couldn’t see what else to do. Things had gotten so jumbled.


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