Foerign Territory

OOC Finnaly! you posted!

Word Count → 978

Saphrina giggled as she saw him lay down her tail thumping on the floor. Saphrina shivered slightly and cuddled close to Zeb, she liked him alot. She even thought he was cute. She closed her good eye and let out a small yawn Im tired.. she confessed to her new friend. She pressed into the warmth that was Zebedee and smiled softly letting out another yawn Sleep now, walk later she said being to tired to walk anymore. She smiled softly at his kindness she listened to him talk to her My moms at home.. she said sadly I got lost while playin tag with my sister.. And i bumped into you. she said trying to seem older than she was. She blushed alittle when she looked up at him and smiled trying to keep her cool. She snuggled close to her 'new crush' and blushed slightly more Can we play tomarrow? she asked softly in a tired voice. She smiled and closed her eyes letting sleep claim her tired and cold small body. She shivered slightly pressing into Zeb more as she slept

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