I keep it caged but I can't control it
800+ 10 points

The black muzzled, tan spotted, arctic female raised her eyes to the sky and wondered just which god she had pissed off to end up with the life that she had lived. She could smell his scent getting stronger as he closed in on her location before finally coming into her view at last, the closer he moved towards her the further back her brown tipped curled ears dropped back towards her head, at the last moment before she was in his line of sight they both snapped back forwards into a none threatening position although her uncaring stance remained, her tail had practically wrapped itself around her leg as she sought to keep it from giving away her emotions.

She winced internally as he snarled in her face and gripped her arm, tightening his hand into her skin and twisting, it sent pinpricks of pain up her nerves with the bones moving uncomfortably. She uncrossed her ankles and stood up straight, her heart still pounding in her ears and more nausea rising in her throat as he stared at her body with unhidden lust. He made to pull her closer and kiss her, her body stiffened momentarily before her mind screamed 'Relax you fool, he'll kill us!' and she forced herself to loose some of the stiffness from her limbs.

As much as the hybrid woman wanted to run far away from this black furred demon she was trapped here by the life that grew inside of her, even now when he could so easily kill both her and her pups on a ill turned whim, to run from him now would without a doubt definitely kill them all either from the stress of running away or from him catching them and punishing her. Her tail uncurled itself from around her leg and she forced it to wag slightly as though she were glad he was here with her now, and she happy to see him

She felt his stomach brush her distended one and resisted the urge to shudder, everything about him made her feel ill but she hid her feelings, keeping an expression on her face that would be non threatening but pleasing for it contained no will to fight or escape. Suddenly he let go of her arm and appeared pleased throwing out that mocking nickname he had for her. His hand instead petted at her furred arm and then her cheek, brushing over the claw scars on her face. She endured the touching and managed to force a look of passable enjoyment onto her face, hoping that she would come out of this encounter alive. She remained still as he looked over her as though he could determine the second half of the parentage of the pups that grew within her if he simply stared enough.

She remained silent as he completed his appraisal of her pregnancy changed body, she did not know why he was interested with her nor of his obsession with white furred females and not knowing that the pure white fur that stretched from her face down her chest and abdomen to her tan tipped tail. The patchwork colored female did not look around for an escape route or in panic, even though her heart was beating fast enough that she thought she might be suffering a heart attack, hopefully if he felt or heard it that he would think the rapidly beating muscle in her chest was out of happiness not fear.

He smiled at her and that freaked her out more than the snarling and touching, more than the happy expression that graced his features, even more than the rape had done. Only himself and the gods knew what was going through his mind, the insane could smile with complete innocence and then murder you when your back was turned so she could not take any of his facial emotions at their face value. He spoke to her gently as though he was her mate and lover not Temo and she resisted cringing away from him, she unstuck her throat and swallowed the nausea enough to answer his question, even managing to place some semblance of respect for him into her voice, if she was lucky it would please him even more and discourage more violence against her person,

"No, you didn't hurt me." As an afterthought she added "Sir." onto the end of the response. The idea of this male mating with her again against her will was repulsive and disturbing to the scarred female, she remained still after she spoke her words, unsure as to what he was going to do to her now that he had worked out that she was pregnant, he seemed pleased about it but when it came to Lucifer that didn't mean anything

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