Just The Way You Are!

Word Count → 000

Out of character notes.

Valinta smiled. "Deer is dinner, and I've been fine. Sky says my leg will be better in a little while." It was true, her leg would be better. The Russian femme could feel it, deep in her bones. The leg was stronger every day, even if it was just a little bit. Gunnar's playing hadn't helped it any, but she loved her son dearly and would play with him even if she was injured.

She watched as he stroked Gunnar's ear, a small smile on her lips as she watched her lover and their son. The little boy still slumbered peacefully, and the sight of him made a small sigh of happiness escape her. The sight of her two boys was wonderful, something that she adored.

Valinta, from the kitchen, heard J'adore's question and exclamation. She smiled sweetly as she got some plates for the deer. "I'm so proud of you!" she said loud enough for her voice to carry out to him, but not loud enough for Gunnar to wake. "You've been trying so hard, too." She smiled as she carried out two plates.

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