closet face

you get my 600th post! Big Grin 300+

They were all tired of snow and anxious to see the sun blaze over a colorful world again. Kansas was no exception, the early darkness of winter had made his depression even worse, amplifying the dread he had felt about Artemis. Though the wobbly feeling of uncertainty remained, he liked the white silence of the snow. Today it was comforting. Kansas sat on his haunches and closed his eyes. He breathed steadily, feeling the icy air rush soothingly into his body. Summer would be a breath of relief after this particularly harsh winter, a way of finding closure for all that had happened. But he enjoyed the breathtaking cold.

His eyes opened in bewilderment when a soft snap broke the silence. He first pictured a forest critter breaking one of the many dried twigs, but he was dead wrong. His heart warmed at the familiar call and Amata's appearance through the trees. He woofed happily, his tail wagging behind him as he stood up and nuzzled his daughter's pale cheek. Looking at Amata was surreal, almost like staring into a living looking glass. She shared many of his features, except for the green eye and black markings that her mother had given her, making her all the more beautiful. Eh, not going anywhere. I just wanted some, eh, some fresh air, he answered with a grin. Sure you can, sweetheart, but it might be... boring. She probably could have found many better things to do than hang around with her old man, but he was ecstatic that she wanted to. It was hard to scrounge time alone with any of his older children, and increasingly so with the youngest litter.

Kansas curiously looked off to where she had come from and spotted a book nudged carefully among the trees. Returning his gaze to Amata, he indicated the book with a gesture of his head. What you working on over there? Reading? he asked with a snicker.

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