Bro Love


J'adore, now up tree, chuckled softly. He was way faster than his taller, broader brother. Long legs had been shaped for running, powerful muscles always eager to power forward. He sat in a crouching position, on top of a thick branch a few metres up, waiting for his unsuspecting brother to appear up it. His plan was to jump down and tackle Leon. He didn't posses as much strength as his younger sibling, but surprise would be on his side.

J'adore sighed, 'Hermano! You really need some practice'. He enjoyed taunting his sibling, Leon was able to take it as a light brotherly jab even though the game had only started a short while back. A sly grin crept onto the fire tenders maw, 'Tell me, dear brother, how do you intend to catch the horses if you can't even catch me?' J'adore himself could easily catch 'Quera, he himself as fast as a bullet from the barrel, just to mount the stallion he would set him out at canter and jump onto his back at a great speed.

All this waiting was getting boring. J'adore's legs were starting to go numb, luckily he was not playing chase any more, just hide and seek.

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