J- Someone worth waiting for
OOC: I know Smile I read a few recent threads (yes I am a stalker JK) and that's probably why I decided to join this pack.

Arwen had not expected someone to come so soon, as she sensed something bad had happened not long ago. She had noticed the gigantic male listening to her singing long before she stopped. After she finished her song, her alto voice rising higher and softer until it became almost a soprano, she acknowledged the stranger.

"Thank you. I learned to sing from my travels to New Brunswick, where I met a strange amnesic gypsy wolfdog. She was my best friend for months until I was attacked by a clan of vicious coyotes and forced to leave. I came back to Nova Scotia about a month ago, hoping to join a pack."

The male's sad expression told her that what she suspected was true, that this was a tragic place full of unknown things. Half a year ago, she would have felt scared, but that was not the case now. She was not the little girl running at other wolves' heels like she often did before; she was the proud young woman who was wise beyond her years. The weeks traveling, running from foes, spying on other wolves, listening to canines plotting in the middle of the night had made her stronger as well as someone to be feared. She stood up taller, prouder, and turned her full attention to the male.

Arwen sighed. "I may not have much to offer you, as I see you are sad, but I'll tell you a secret. I'm a spy. I've been spying ever since I left my old pack, making sure nobody was plotting against me or my friends, and I have the ability to 'charmspeak' people. That is, to sweet-talk them into telling me the truth. When that's not effective, I lurk in the shadows and listen to people muttering to themselves, or look into their eyes and infer the things that are not spoken. I offer you my services."

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