i live with the memories


The glare from the blinding orb in the sky could not reach his home under the earth. For that, the young soul was grateful. But now, there was a miniature sun displayed on the wall so close to the family den. Hues of combined green and gravy narrowed slightly, uncertain if he liked this painting that the pale woman was drawing on a wall that had been perfectly good before she had smeared white all over it. He liked the dark; there should be no suns here.

But the adult’s voice was welcoming and warm, and the young child could easily be persuaded with some kindness. He was not little though; he was quite big compared to his two siblings. Perhaps he could have explained that, but the male was somewhat shy of speaking to individuals he was not at complete ease with. His dark tail wagged though, fuelled by a lightening spirit. Hi,” he said, turning his beryl hues to the woman’s leg. His teeth were itching, but his preferred way of greeting another would not do here.

She was not a stranger, but he did not perceive her as family. Not yet anyway. But he liked her eyes and the approval in her tone. Yes, he liked her.

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