M. Sink me in the river at dawn

I did not see that you had replied, jamesbum<3 sorry :O

It did not take long to get noticed, even if his presence did not own sound. The dark figure got up on his feet, suddenly full of haste. There was no need for that, for Itachi meant no harm. Not yet at least, though one could never tell what the future would bring, even if it was near. Sunset gaze held little but the emptiness of its colour as he investigated the stranger more closely, approaching one slow step at the time, though in a manner that made it appear quite casual.

”I do, yes,” the male admitted without hesitation, finding no reason to refuse the other the information he so politely asked for. The dark male was older than him, but remained quite young. Perhaps he could have been a comrade if the fallen Lykoi prince’s life had been different. But no, Itachi was alone. Blonde ears leaned back against the mane of darker hues, but he was listening. Normally he liked to avoid company overall, but he was not above making exceptions. The male said that he was from Dahlia de Mai, and he was a trespasser.

”You are far from home,” he noted, letting his scarlet gaze fall down onto earth and away from the other.

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Table by Siekone

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