Drown me in a river of tears
In the shadows of a quiet room, a wolf in Optime form slowly roused himself and sat up from his bed. Leon stood slowly, his knees wobbly for a few seconds, and wandered out of his room, heading for the front door. He'd been cooped up for weeks, having been bed-ridden in order allow his wounds to heal, and his strength to return. Now, his side felt like it had closed for the most part, and he had a bit more movement in his left side, and his shoulder had healed fine, though the skin was still tender. The bruises and smaller cuts along his body had healed fine, making movement a lot less painful, and letting the timber move about with out stumbling or falling over anymore.

As he exited Haven Manor, the main home for Crimson Dreams members, Leon looked up to the sky. He sighed as he realized that he had slept through nearly half the day. He'd been accepted into the pack a while ago, and still he hadn't contributed to his new home in any way. He walked slowly, careful to make sure he didn't make his side worse. He traveled a little further from the mansion, letting the scent of his new pack fill his nose. He closed his eyes for a few minutes, not stopping his slow pace, and he focused on finding any nearby streams, and was slightly surprised to find that he was not only near a large body of water, but that the woman who had saved his life, in more ways than one, was also nearby. He paused, keeping his eyes closed, as he considered whether or not he should intrude on her privacy.

She had saved him, given him a home, and, for his own good, forced him to remain at rest. He owed her much, and didn't want to disrupt her. When he sat near water, it was to relax, body and mind, or to help drown out thoughts that made him remember his Liudesys. Nodding his head slightly, he slowly began to walk on, deciding to let Amata enjoy her privacy.

Than he stopped, noticing something he knew to well in her scent, and hearing soft sobs on the wind. He turned his head in the direction, he believed Amata was and walked towards her now. She seemed like such a happy person when he met her, and she hadn't seemed terribly different when they had met again. Something must have happened to her recently. He gave up his guessing when he saw the white female curled up and crying into her knees.

Leon approached her with some apprehension, worried he'd make it worse. He bit his lip and sat down a couple feet away from Amata. Looking from her to the lake, the Timber sighed softly. "It's dis-heartening to see a beautiful woman cry." He offered, looking to Amata with a sad grin. "I don't suppose you would be willing to talk to this fool of a wolf about it, would you?" Leon asked, wondering if he'd angered her instead of amusing her.

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