M - you throw stones

The iron grip tightened, and his hot breath made her want to gag, made her want to shriek and moan and plead for release. The girl did none of these things - She shivered, and stared at him with wide moonlit eyes.

Her slight resistance was easily overcome by the creature that had no mortality with which to suffer. Reeling in his catch on an arm that was no more than skeleton and steel cord muscle was an easily done feat. She began to shiver, and when again that rancid voice spilled over her, the girl felt wetness on her silvery cheeks.

Something forced her to concentrate on the words. They had meaning. It was crucially important to use that meaning to stay alive. As his hand stroked the side of her face, the girl's mind blanched, but held in fragile tomb his sentence. She had only been compared to two in looks before - Her father, Razekiel, and his mother, her grandmother. Could Kaena be the one this decrepit creature spoke of?

It was worth a try. "Grandmother wouldn't w-want-" The words cut off in a sharp sob as his wandering hand grazed the flesh of her body, but she swallowed the fear and forced herself to continue, "-Wouldn't want you t-to hurt me." Another tug against his grip, and her body resisted his hand, elegant ears flattening to her head. In a small voice, the princess said, "She l-loves me. Don't hurt me, she'll be mad."

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