M- Silence Driving Me Crazy


300+ SORRYYY! I am goign to make a serious effort to get threads rolling next month :/

In Character
In the dark coy-dog's brain he knew that this conversation was just an necessity, a necessity he would have to deal with in order to get to the real goal. The gray toned male was certainly not much of a concern. He hardly seemed to be someone that would cause much trouble as long as he was kept on a short leash. Glancing towards a trunk he smirked slightly at the thought of what it contained. In the past few days he had been in this god for shaken tunnel of dirt the sexual tools in that chest had served him well when it came to his sibling fetish. There simply was nothing like wrapping a leather collar around an exposed neck, pulling on the cold metal chain as you relieved yourself into the warmth of a body. It was a feeling that gave the Trovato hybrid shivers.

His chocolaty orbs watched in amusement as the Liev character chattered on stupidly. If he was an educated man it was only shown in the formal manner of speaking as his words just seemed to go on and on. “Then an acquaintance you have.” It was silly to look for company for the sake of company to a hybrid so involved in himself but it wasn't an idea he was foreign to, Matteo often felt the need to carry on a dialogue without any point.

Standing up slowly his brow wrinkled thoughtfully. Why did this male want to know about Teo? It was none of his concern who his brother was. Still, it was best to answer the questions while he had the power to influence innocent minds. “My brother Matteo is my litter mate. He and I were banished due to a disagreement with my father who runs a....disciplinary business.” Walking slowly behind the chair he placed both large hands onto his 'acquaintances shoulders. “So tell me Liev, what is your opinion on what makes a handsome man?” The bait was out now and all he had to do was wait for his companion to nibble and from his body language Giuseppe was fairly certain that he would take a very large bite.

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