Sandy Shores

Slay flashed her a grateful grin, pleased by her reaction. Cercelee still seemed a bit uncomfortable about her odd companion; she was choosing her words a little too carefully for someone so impulsive. She shouldn't bother; it wasn't like there was anything he hadn't heard before. And it was sort of sweet how she avoided mentioning his fur, when that would be an obvious follow-up question. Anyway, he had implicitly answered that one. It was just genetics...

"Perhaps you're right, dear, although some quirks are more detrimental that others. I haven't noticed anything wrong with you," he smiled teasingly, icy blue eyes sweeping to meet her navy gaze so easily now, the earlier hesitation gone. He didn't have to talk about his embarrassing condition anymore! It was a relief...

"I guess I'm a little curious as to where you came from, if you don't mind divulging a bit of your past to me. Were you always with Colibri? Have you been wandering long? I tell you, I've been wandering most of my life..."

Slay paddled aimlessly in a circle, lopsidedly smiling in amusement. That was true, he hadn't stayed in one place for so many moons... Was Cercelee like him in that aspect? Probably not, but she seemed so adventurous, it wouldn't surprise him...


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