all that we are not

Misery had always held a certain afflatus for storytelling. Words fell easily from her black lips and she was prone to fantastical embellishments. She'd always loved telling stories to her children, but she had none left to tell stories too. Larkspur was an attentive listener to anything she had to say, but nothing compared to the wide-eyed wonder of a child. It had been too long since she had truly enjoyed that kind of gaze. Misery continued to make her careful way with her cane, but her attention was drawn more towards the story she began to weave.

"This story was told to me long ago by my own Oma, Rose." Misery began slowly, thoughtfully before picking up speed. "In the beginning of time, there were only the three. Gentle Ankh, skilled Rah'khir, and the vengeful Tak. But soon creatures in their own image began to appear. At first all of the wolves were shades of white like Ankh, who gave them life. But as generations came and went, different shades came. Rusty reds, pale creams, and bright silver. Ankh gave those wolves to her sister to rule, and for a time, things were good." A pause, a beat and a breath. "Then from the caverns came wolves in shades of black. They carried can tah's with them, stone idols of the lesser beasts that Tak governed over. Ankh's highest priest, the ghostly white Cross called to his mate, Arrow the highest priestess of Ankh. Together they held ground against the dark dwellers of the caverns. Many hours passed, but in the end, Arrow stood brave and proud above the battlefield. Together with Cross, she had rallied their fellows. They had slaughtered the most vicious of Tak's terrible devils, but at a price. When Arrow turned to look, she saw one white body amongst the mass of blackness. Cross's ghostly fur was no longer brilliant white, but stained a vivid and terrible crimson." Misery's voice swelled with dark emotion and she glanced at Salvia with solemn eyes. "The very moon turned red that night, and in the darkness all around them, they could hear Tak's mocking laughter. They had stood against him, and they had won, but Tak had achieved his ultimate goal. Tak strives to destroy beautiful, holy things. Cross's broken and bleeding body was such a thing. As Arrow ran to him, she screamed and begged in the holy tongue. Any price, she promised. Any price she would pay to have him again." Misery knew well that kind of consuming love. "As she clutched his body to her own, something amazing happened."

One thin hand arched through the air to emphasize her words, and she offered Salvia a gentle grin. "The very darkness of the blood-moon sky was banished. From the night sky brilliant, burning white light burned down. The sounds of laughter were vanquished in a sound of furious pain. Those that tore their eyes from Cross's broken body were greeted by the sight of Tak's dark form fleeing across the sky, chased by Ankh's silvery form. Many arrows flew from her skilled bow and his howls of agony were nearly deafening. But Arrow paid no heed as she held Cross's still body. For her, the Gods didn't matter anymore. While the rest of the Khalif were held by the images in the heavens, she only saw his wounded body. But a gentle voice came out, soft and sweet amongst the fighting. Give my son, unto me, the voice said. And Arrow turned to see the White Lady herself. Ankh upon the earth, Ankh touching down upon the field of battle. Arrow was reluctant but she knew Cross would want to walk with the White Lady above all else. She relinquished her pale lover into the arms of the ghostly Ankh, and witnessed a miracle." Misery's voice was soft now, made gentle by quiet awe, remembering Rose's story. "Ankh breathed life into him once more. The terrible wounds made by the dark wolves disappeared, and Cross drew a ragged breath. Ankh turned to Arrow with sad eyes - 'For this, you must bear the burden of having the dark ones amongst you. But the sons and daughters you bear will forever hold the clan together. They will inherit my virtue and Rah'khir's many talents. It is up to the two of you to lead our people, and the children of your children's children will be blessed with many gifts'. And with those words Ankh turned from the wide-eyed Arrow and slowly breathing Cross to join her sister's hunt of the dark one. Tak escaped as he always did, but they struck a powerful blow that day - and for many generations, there was peace once more. Even though the black wolves began to appear, the descendants of Cross and Arrow did their best to keep the clan pure and safe from Tak, and they saved many dark wolves from his cruel grasp."

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